Getting you to the next level.


Gain Great Ease,
Clarity and Purpose

How’s your job/your career/your life? Are you showing up the way you want to…passionate, engaged, and energized?


I’m Mike Walters and as a coach my job is to help you get clear on what you really want and support you on your journey to get there.

Mike Walters, outside in the light.

The Next Level Begins Here…

Coaching can be effective in any area of your life where you want to create greater satisfaction. I will encourage you to bring your whole life to our sessions—after all, the different areas of our lives are ​all connected. I will create a safe place where you can see yourself more clearly. I will help you identify the gaps between where you are and where you want to be.  I will ask you to be more intentional in your thoughts, actions and behaviours than you might actually ask of yourself! 

My coaching will provide the insight, support, and structure that you need to get on track and moving towards your personal and professional goals…and the accountability to ensure your sustained commitment. 

And as you make progress, you will gain energy, connect more deeply with yourself, and ​perhaps ​learn to get out of your own way!

I will help you stoke your success. How much is that worth to you?


  • Doing more of what matters 
  • Relating with others
  • Creating more fulfillment
  • Being happier


  • Taking on a new job/new role
  • Maximizing a Promotion
  • Going from Manager to Leader
  • Gaining clarity about goals


  • Increasing performance
  • Identifying blinds spots
  • Building leadership skills
  • Gaining competitive advantage
A person leaps from one rock to another in the intertidal zone of a sandy beach.


Is Coaching Right for You?

You are a great candidate for coaching if you have a willingness to engage and be self-reflective – both about what’s going well and about what’s not going so well in your life. Most importantly, you are prepared and willing to do the work and make a commitment to moving forward.


You may be surprised at how your confidence and energy grows as you take an intentional stand for what you really want. Are you ready to make that commitment to yourself and your life? I can help!


Get From Stuck to Self-Confident

Feeling unsure and worried that you don’t have the answers? Through coaching, you’ll learn to articulate your aspirations and clarify your goals. As a team, we’ll build the structure, accountability, and support necessary to ensure sustained commitment. Within our coaching engagement you’ll learn to be accountable ultimately to yourself, not to me or to anyone else, because that is where actual, lasting change comes from.

I can help you do what you say you really want to do.

The Next Level Begins Here…

If you’re curious about coaching (even if you’re still a bit unsure), why not sign up for a free, no obligation introductory phone call. We’ll chat about you and your current situation, and you can ask me any questions you may have. Take the first step toward gaining greater ease, clarity, and purpose—click here to schedule a call.

Get started now